Christian Romance

Crepe's Recipe

>> Thursday, April 8, 2010

If you live in Florida, you know that strawberries are super ripe right now. I got a basket for $1.00, which I was thrilled about. Wanting to do something different, I decided to make crepe's. The only thing I would do different is fry the crepes. Either way, they are worth sharing!

Strawberry Crepe's

1 Block of Cream cheese
1/4 cup of powdered sugar
1/4 cup of sour cream
Sliced Strawberries


Mix the cream cheese with the powdered sugar until this is smooth. I use my spoon as I think it is relaxing but you can totally use a mixer~ Add in the sour cream.

Now smooth onto each crepe. I tried to cover each crepe completely. The kids love to help with this process! Once this is done, add some strawberries and fold like a soft shell taco.

For one crepe I then cut four times, making 4 little crepes. This made a perfect, light dessert for a hot summer afternoon.



Jacqueline Winslow Interview

>> Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Nana's Heart: It's 2pm, time for a chat with Jacqueline Winslow!#links#links


Nana's Heart: Live Blog Chat today!!

Nana's Heart: Live Blog Chat today!!

My Online Interview is here today! From 2-4! I am so excited and can't connect to talk with readers.


Blog tour

>> Friday, April 2, 2010

Blog Tour is about to begin...

On Wednesday April 7th from 2-4, I will be giving my first blog interview over at from 2-4. I am thrilled to get to chat with Linda and talk about life. 

Hope to see you there!


What is love...

>> Friday, March 26, 2010

What is love.... in Real Life and in the Movies (Yes, I did say Movies)?

No matter if you are a man or a woman, you have some understanding of what the word "love" means. You probably have experienced good AND bad. Isn't that the course of life? As I sit down with my pen and paper and begin thinking of possible characters for my next novel, I begin to think about love. What is love?

Yes, I know love should be patient. Should be kind. Beyond that. What does love look like. Will my character see it? Will it be foreign to her? What is that trigger point that she sees love, recognizes that she has fallen as deep as deep can go?

Love is such a magical thing. It can start slow with gentle caresses in the wind. Maybe as simple as guy opening the door. With that simple eye contact, a connection was made. Or it could be the guy that irks you senseless. But in those moments when my character is the maddest, music begans to play. just around the corner.

I heard a story the other day about a girl who met her guy simply because he was being a gentleman. She saw it and was impressed. Of course, the story continues, they got together... sigh

It reminds me of my favorite movies...which, of course, are love stories. Pride and Prejudice, would be my top favorite. Runaway Bride, a close second.

What are your favorite love stories?


Book Release.... SOON

>> Tuesday, March 23, 2010

As the book release of my book grows closer, The Bargain, I am so thankful for all the little lessons I have learned along the way.

Here are a few:

1. Don't let myself get down when things go wrong ... they will go wrong! The quicker I learn that, the better. Prepare for it, that way, when it happens, it won't be so hard to take.
2. Breathe ... Again!
3. Publishers are not perfect, remember that!
4. Learn as you go, it will pay off later.
5. Never be afraid to stand up for yourself.

As I climb up the Kindle rankings, I am patient, yet excited. I am #1 in the Kindle Inspirational Category, and #38 in Religious Fiction. With each day I grow closer to hitting my goal of being a Kindle Bestseller, which means being in the top 100.

 I have many more lessons to add... just can't add them all in a day!


Jane Austen Book Review

>> Friday, March 19, 2010

As a writer, I often find encouragement, in learning about other authors. For many years, I have loved Jane Austen's books and movies. There is so much to learn from, as a writer, but apart from that, they are just good books.

Jane Austen, by Peter Leithart, was a wonderful book detailing Jane's life; with her family, her friends, and quotes from Jane herself.

I loved learning more about Jane herself. What made her write the things she did. That the reason she wrote about nature was her love for it. This book contains so much knowledge into the person, that I came away learning who Jane was.

The only con I have was that at times, it was a hard read. It reminded me of a genealogy at times, talking about the family tree. Yes, I know, this was important, so I kept reading.

If you want to learn about Jane Austen, this is the book to read!